September 29th, 2024 Harvest Offering

As we prepare our hearts to bring our special offering on Sunday, September 29, I want to encourage you with a thought.

"How much is a life worth in light of eternity?"

Every day we spend significant amounts of money on temporary things like vacations, clothes, personal entertainment, meals out, home/car repairs, and meeting every day needs. God provides finances for us to enjoy such things. But how often do we consider the finances that God provides in light of His harvest? Is the winning of a lost soul as important as a family vacation to us? Would we spend as much as we do on a critical home repair to empower a missionary to continue their critical work in the harvest? Would we be willing to sacrifice temporary things to sow a significant financial gift into the harvest of the Lord?

Our $24K Harvest Offering has been planned to allow each of us to consider what God would have us do to contribute to reaping His harvest. Our weekly/monthly tithes and offerings support the work of the Lord here at Grace. But this one special yearly offering, on this one special Sunday, will support the 6 ministries the Lord has directed us to partner with this year. Every dollar we receive in this special offering will be directed to these ministries' efforts to win the lost from a Christless eternity.

So I ask you, "How much is a life worth in light of eternity?".

I'd like to encourage you to spend time in prayer considering this question and then thoughtfully ask the Lord how significant your gift should be in support of this effort.

Thank you for doing your part, no more, no less! The finances you sow will impact lives eternally!

Together in the Harvest,

Pastor Tommy


Wyatt and debbie brown - grace christian church

Grace Christian Church (GCC) is a place where people of diverse backgrounds can come together as an extended family to experience God’s presence through worship, prayer, and insightful practical Bible teaching and preaching. GCC is dedicated to reaching the community with the gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as providing specified ministries of excellence to our children and teens. Click HERE for more details.

Christopher and Britta Alam - Dynamis world ministries

Dynamis World Ministries was founded in Sweden in 1985 by Christopher and Britta Alam. The ministry headquarters was moved to the US in 1993, but offices/mission bases are still maintained in Sweden, Zimbabwe, and Asia. Click HERE for more details

Antoine and krissi wyss - wyss missions

Antoine and Krissi are dedicated ministers with international experience in spreading the Gospel and equipping leaders. Click HERE for more information

walker and haley shurz - africa outreach

Pastors Walker and Haley Schurz have ministered in Southern Africa since 1992. They serve as Senior Pastors of Miracle Life Family Church in Lusaka, Zambia. Together with a wonderful leadership team and congregation, they fulfill the mandate of “Sharing Christ… Maturing Believers… Changing the World”. Lives are changed, restored, healed and helped as people discover the truth about God and who they are in Christ. They are also currently serving as directors of Rhema Bible Training Center Zambia that equips laborers for the harvest. Click HERE for more information.

Rhema Bible Training College

More than Fifty 50 years since our founding, Rhema Bible Training College remains steadfast in carrying out God's purpose of empowering Christians to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Since 1974, we have trained over 123,000 graduates for the harvest. The sun never sets on Rhema graduates ministering around the world, either in the pulpit, on the mission field, or as active believers supporting God's work in local churches. Our alumni have gone forth and together we have established 298 Bible schools in 56 nations around the world. Click HERE for more details.

Larry and kay mills - Antioch Bridge